书籍 Making Numbers Count的封面

Making Numbers Count

Chip Heath







Author Chip Heath has excelled at teaching others about making ideas stick and here, in Making Numbers Count, he outlines specific principles that reveal how to translate a number into our brain’s language. This book is filled with examples of extreme number makeovers, vivid before-and-after examples that take a dry number and present it in a way that people click in and say “Wow, now I get it!”

You will learn principles such as:

-SIMPLE PERSPECTIVE CUES: researchers at Microsoft found that adding one simple comparison sentence doubled how accurately users estimated statistics like population and area of countries.

-VIVIDNESS: get perspective on the size of a nucleus by imagining a bee in a cathedral, or a pea in a racetrack, which are easier to envision than “1/100,000th of the size of an atom.”

-CONVERT TO A PROCESS: capitalize on our intuitive sense of time (5 gigabytes of music storage turns into “2 months of commutes, without repeating a song”).

-EMOTIONAL MEASURING STICKS: frame the number in a way that people already care about (“that medical protocol would save twice as many women as curing breast cancer”).

Chip Heath is a professor at Stanford Graduate School of Business, teaching courses on business strategy and organizations. He is the co-author (along with his brother, Dan) of three books.

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小学:精确到1(与每人相关损益可切身感知)、四舍五入用整数(精确复杂=难记难震撼)、翻译成生活中能直接接触到的具体物品/体验、时空角多维度拆解+放大缩小法(最高级)+夸张对比+用动词展示 中学:数据背后真实含义+情感诉求(和你自身利益攸关) 大学:峰值体验(打破预设脚本的体验/认知)
如何用数字讲故事 - 很实用的一本书
7.30-8.5.2023 短小精炼的一本,书里介绍的让numbers make sense的方法不仅适用于present statistical results,也适用于present abstract theoretical ideas。不过书里的策略和例子也可以用到拿数字忽悠人/appeal to emotion上。收获:好的presentation的核心是让information make intuitive sense to the audience,把抽象复杂的东西通过大家熟悉/有切身体会的experience/information具体化简洁化;如果要provoke emotion来促使听众行动,那就把自己要说的和已知的emotionally charged例子联系起来。