书籍 The Unfair Advantage的封面

The Unfair Advantage

Ash Ali


Profile Books







What is the difference between a startup that makes it, and one that crashes and burns? Behind every story of success is an unfair advantage.

But an Unfair Advantage is not just about your parents' wealth or who you know: anyone can have one. An Unfair Advantage is the element that gives you an edge over your competition.

This ground-breaking book shows how to identify your own Unfair Advantages and apply them to any project. Drawing on over two decades of hands-on experience, including as the first Marketing Director of Just Eat (a startup now worth over £4 billion), the authors offer a unique framework for assessing your external circumstances in addition to your internal strengths. Hard work and grit aren't enough, so they explore the importance of money, intelligence, location, education, expertise, status and luck in the journey to success. From starting your company, to gaining traction, raising funds and growth hacking, The Unfair Advantage helps you look at yourself and find the ingredients you didn't realise you already had, to succeed in the cut-throat world of business.

跟社交网一样流行把self-help books当靶子,self-disciplined、hard-working这些词慢慢变成带贬义的空话了。location一章我蛮受启发的,在电气做惯了习惯性的觉得这方面的成本最低优先。status最诚实,互联网时代造就的虚假平等,很容易让人相信大家在社交网上努力的解构等级,网上都要讲简单大方最酷,社恐的人更真心等。可回到生活,status比头像、ID要有说服力,与其矛盾不如看清这是unfair advantage,有钱就是创业更有优势,这方面没优势的努力expertise,教育你自己。作者老家是伊拉克的,言语之中有跟咱们一样的“奋斗逼”气质,肯定是不如old money自在从容,但贵在真实。记住:mentor的指导,要第一时间反馈结果。
这本书带给我的新颖内容不是很多,至少与我原期望得到的不符。所谓的the unfair advantage (MILES) 换句话说就是天时地利人和。如果这些你碰巧都没有的话,至少做到术业有专攻吧。
补:“Have your feet rooted on the ground with your head in the clouds.clous☁️☁️☁️”吹爆这部书好吗!与某些整部书一直鼓励我们无视自身以及社会所具有的隐性障碍一直向前努力形成鲜明对比·····我们应该在追逐自己的梦想的同时也要认真审视自己所具有的与所缺少的东西。书中说到的miles真的是在hardworking的基础上对于成功来说不可或缺的存在,所以我们要努力去发现自己身上的the unfair advantage啊,同时也要记得be grateful!(ali推荐的书我都很爱~)
Ali推荐。印象比较深的几点: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. Ask yourself what you have failed every day. Love yourself and self-improve from there. Act normal wherever there’s an imbalance of status. Be coachable and feed back to mentors immediately.