书籍 Medium Design的封面

Medium Design

Keller Easterling









How to Design the World: Working Without Solutions

In Medium Design everyone is a designer. But design, in this case, inverts the typical focus on object over its settings to concentrate on the medium—the matrix space between objects, events, and ideological declarations. It disrupts habitual modern approaches to the world’s intractable dilemmas—from climate cataclysm to inequality to concentrations of authoritarian power. In a series of case studies dealing with everything from automation and migration to explosive urban growth and atmospheric changes, Medium Design offers spatial tools for innovation and global decision-making to challenge the authority of more familiar legal or economic approaches.

From this perspective, solutions are mistakes and ideologies are unreliable guides. Rather than the modern desire for the new, designers find more sophistication in relationships between emergent and incumbent technologies. Encouraging entanglement, medium design does not try to eliminate problems but rather to put them together in productive combinations. And in the process of reconceptualizing design, Easterling puzzles over bulletproof powers, Stanley Kubrick, ISIS recruits, literary characters, and iconic activists in the hope of outwitting political deadlocks and offering forms of activism for modulating power and temperament in organizations of all kinds.

Keller Easterling is an award-winning writer, architect and Professor at Yale. She is the author of Extrastatecraft: The Power of Infrastructure Space; Enduring Innocence, which was named Archinect’s Best Book of 2005; and Organization Space. She is also the author of two essay length books: The Action is the Form and Subtraction. Her writing and design work was included in the...


有空多写点… 简单来说,认同设计应从entanglement, multiplication而不是寻求definitive solution的角度出发。不太认同设计可独立于政治和意识形态之外作为自己的activism。(stealthy activism的想法也很好)有些例子举的有点在trivialize那些例子本身。作为设计师还是不应该幻想通过设计来改变系统甚至政治,而应当多思考系统和意识形态如何变革,并将其反映到设计中去。
與其覺得我們面對的是種種issue,倒不如說是一團chaos;與其想著如何去解決,倒不如想想是否有新的形式去articulate已有的關係。錯誤和混亂本身是這個系統的一部分,站在「問題」的對立視角去試圖解決它們,這會讓這團糾纏的線索變得更加難以感知和認識。設計並不能解決所謂問題,每一次简化问题的行動介入只是在往裡面扔入新的變量。我們解決不了所謂的問題,但我們可以做的是讓信息流中的關係以更容易感知的形式被捕捉。作為設計師要試著把information flux的認識和整理也作為一種設計對象,對於信息關係的重構本身也是在建立一種narrative和sensational tools。对于觀察工具的再設計,也在重塑我們與被感知对象之间的關係。
之前Pam Lee说“你一辈子只写一本书。”这本书真的印证了这句话,其实和Keller之前的几本书关注的重点很类似,只是在这本书中她更强调设计实践和行动策略。总结下来就是关注行动形式而非物件形式,关注关系而非物件。受Bateson影响很深。认为对立智慧让彼此更强大,应该寻找对立以外的抵抗方式。与其抵抗,不如通过改变场域来改变对立双方之间的关系。