书籍 Prima Facie的封面

Prima Facie

Suzie Miller







Tessa is a young, brilliant barrister. She has worked her way up from working-class origins to the top of her game: defending, cross-examining and winning.

But an unexpected event forces her to confront the patriarchal power of the law, where the burden of proof and morality diverge.

Prima Facie by Suzie Miller is an award-winning play for a solo actor, taking us deep into a world where emotion and integrity are in conflict with the rules of the game.

After several acclaimed productions in Australia and winning the Australian Writers' Guild Award for Drama, the play received its European premiere at the Harold Pinter Theatre in London's West End in April 2022. It starred Jodie Comer, the Emmy and Bafta Award-winning star of TV's Killing Eve, making her West End debut.

简洁有力,同时令人窒息。看到最后更加绝望了。Nothing changed.
发人深省的故事,期待七月份的官摄。 "All I know is that somewhere. Some time. Somehow. Something has to change."
“Voir dire is a legal term. it's where the jury is sent out so they don't hear something that might be prejudicial. Strangely the phrase originates from 'to speak the truth' ” 戏剧是很有魅力的艺术形式。叙事非常紧凑,难以平复。 多么希望我可以在西区拥有这份体验。
可读性高,剧本的描述形式很有画面感,冲着我jodie的大封面给五颗星。But,整个戏剧冲突来源基本是tessa身份角度切换带来的冲击感以及更重要的是强奸罪举证责任困难的问题,但像猥亵罪这种可针对男性的犯罪,理论上存在同样的举证困难问题,所以更多觉得还是一个法律制度设计的技术层面的问题。。。再But,基于现实中女性话语权的缺失以及婚内或亲密关系内unconsentual sex行为的普遍性(没有依据,纯粹主观臆测),为女性发声依然是太太太有必要了,所以还是应该给五颗星。
居然忘了标记 特别短小的一本script 那天读完想好好写一篇读后感 结果拖延忘了 拖延真的…… 现在留在脑海里最深刻的感受就是同理心 摩耶 等你真的做到了你的ideal profession 请记住对女性要有同理心
和不久前大小姐的新剧剖析丑闻(Anatomy of a Scandal)主题类似, 不过更期待Jodie 的表演~
唉,读完觉得自己好局限阿,所批判不满的我都可以理解,但是我并不能想出另一种答案来:怎么去推崇一个更重视“人”的法律秩序?我好像已经把里面提到的一些残酷要求内化成了身体的一部分🤧 想象力,好像有时候比学习的能力更重要。