书籍 Washington Square的封面

Washington Square

Henry James








Introduction and Notes by Ian F.A. Bell. Professor of English Literature. University of Keele Washington Square marks the culmination of James's apprentice period as a novelist. With sharply focused attention upon just four principal characters, James provides an acute analysis of middle-class manners and behaviour in the New York of the 1870s, a period of great change in the life of the city. This change is explored through the device of setting the novel's action during the 1840s, similarly a period of considerable turbulence as the United States experienced the onset of rapid commercial and industrial expansion. Through the relationships between Austin Sloper, a celebrated physician, and his sister Lavinia Penniman, his daughter Catherine, and Catherine's suitor, Morris Townsend, James observes the contemporary scene as a site of competing styles and performances where authentic expression cannot be articulated or is subject to suppression.

对Aunt L印象很深。对Morris抱有介于儿子和爱人之间的母子乱伦般的情感,虽然自以为考虑了Catherine,但你不可能在他们利益冲突的情况下,声称自己为双方考虑。最终只能、事实上也只为一方考虑了。看的时候想起柯洁事件那阵儿为他说话的中(老)年女性博主,“危险的母性”。为什么危险呢?因为她的“母性”只给年轻男人。
Poor Catherine, false Morris, smart Dr Sloper
感觉是暗黑版的半生缘,Henry James有一种把狗血故事包装高级的魔力,明明是一个猎金男倒贴追富家女的故事,他却讲得有层次有深度,小说里依稀看得到贵妇画像和鸽翼的影子:那些欲说还休的感情,那些朦胧暧昧的状态。James的小说总是提出问题,等待读者去解决,所有的答案既在小说里也不在小说里,如人饮水,冷暖自知。
melodrama; location; well但是忍不住感觉好气啊尤其是对Aunt L而且她最后一直around
失眠,索性读完了。五六岁时读这个故事的缩减译本,记得故事最后女主人公再次拿起了针线,“毕竟这是她现在唯一能做的事”。重读它是为了解决童年关于不完美爱情的困惑。I shall take Catherine as an admirable figure rather than a pathetic one. After all she survives all the deprivation with a stoic spirit.But I do blame her father, even more than Morris, for her unhappiness. His view of her as a failure is a phantom in her life journey.