书籍 Imagined Communities的封面

Imagined Communities

Benedict Anderson









The definitive, bestselling book on the origins and development of nationalism.

Imagined Communities, Benedict Anderson's brilliant book on nationalism, forged a new field of study when it first appeared in 1983. Since then it has sold over a quarter of a million copies and is widely considered the most important book on the subject. In this greatly anticipated revised edition, Anderson updates and elaborates on the core question: what makes people live, die and kill in the name of nations? He shows how an originary nationalism born in the Americas was adopted by popular movements in Europe, by imperialist powers, and by the anti-imperialist resistances in Asia and Africa, and explores the way communities were created by the growth of the nation-state, the interaction between capitalism and printing, and the birth of vernacular languages-of-state. Anderson revisits these fundamental ideas, showing how their relevance has been tested by the events of the past two decades.

Benedict Anderson was Aaron L. Binenkorp Professor of International Studies Emeritus at Cornell University. He was editor of the journal Indonesia and author of Java in a Time of Revolution, The Spectre of Comparisons: Nationalism, Southeast Asia, and the World and Imagined Communities.

polemical; 被捧得太高了吧。。
Excellent masterpiece on how the imagined communities help to shape the nationalism and national building in reality. It is a surprise that the Chinese version delete the Ninth Chapter with Water Benjamin's classic statement about "modernity". Reread, rethink, and reinterpret.
fantastic book
安德森的基本论点是:国家是“想象中的社区”,由英国和西班牙殖民地的克里奥尔资产阶级在新世界通过印刷新闻、语言、文化印记和资本主义力量的结合而创造出来。它提醒我们,民族主义是一种新的现象,任何民族对“古代历史”的自命不凡都是绝对荒谬的,甚至一个值得为之牺牲的民族/国家的整体概念都是发明出来的,而不是像法国大革命时期埃贝·西哀士认为“存在于自然状态”。 国家有三个条件:它们是主权的,有限的,和一个共同体。这些概念随着被发明的特定时间和地点产生,以及在世界各地中以各种不同的用途、不同的化身被调整和使用。 这是一本需要不断阅读和重读的书。安德森完全停留在历史学科的范围和方法上,他提出了一个能解释现代世界的大部分的理论。以此提醒我们要去质疑一些非常基本的假设,而不要简单地认为这些假设是理所当然的存在。
Nationalism thinks of historical destinies(and of course the pride of belonging and common values are key to success of such a community), while racism dreams of eternal contaminations. Nature of this political love is either demonstrated in “kinship” or that of “home”