书籍 The Indivisible Remainder的封面

The Indivisible Remainder

Slavoj Zizek









The feature which distinguishes the great works of materialist thought, from Lucretius De rerum natura through Capital to the writings of Lacan, is their unfinished character: again and again they tackle their chosen problem. Schelling s Weltalter drafts belong to this same series, with their repeated attempt at the formulation of the beginning of the world, of the passage from the pre-symbolic pulsation of the Real to the universe of logos. F.W.J. Schelling, the German idealist who for too long dwelled in the shadow of Kant and Hegel, was the first to formulate the post-idealist motifs of finitude, contingency and temporality. His unique work announces Marx's critique of speculative idealism, as well as the properly Freudian notion of drive, of a blind compulsion to repeat which can never be sublated in the ideal medium of language. The Indivisible Remainder begins with a detailed examination of the two works in which Schelling's speculative audacity reached its peak: his essay on human freedom and his drafts on the Ages of the World. After reconstituting their line of argumentation, Slavoj Zizek confronts Schelling with Hegel, and concludes by throwing a Schellingian light on some related matters: the consequences of the computerization of daily life for sexual experience; cynicism as today's predominant form of ideology; the epistemological deadlocks of quantum physics. Although the book is packed with examples from politics and popular culture the unmistakable token of Zizek s style from Speed and Groundhog Day to Forrest Gump, it signals a major shift towards a systematic concern with the basic questions of philosophy and the roots of the crisis of our late-capitalist universe, centred around the enigma of modern subjectivity.

补标。首先,齐泽克拒绝将根据解读为某种坚固的背景,而是将其解读为作为前主体深渊的纯粹自由。在这个意义上,启示就可以被理解为从自由深渊向“仅在某种决定中实存的自由主体”(后一种自由是黑格尔式的与自身保持一个反思性距离的自由)的过渡。此外,齐泽克还强调谢林的出发点应是一个既予的视域,故而这个过渡(决断)是总是—已经完成了的,被包含于时间的回环结构中(用齐泽克的话概括:"what is done eternally is eternally done")。最后,特别要注意的是,这个决断—行动是受迫的,由此才能避免设置某一元层面上的“自由原初行动者”——而这正是晚期谢林positive philosophy所面临的窘境。
学术方面当然非常hardcore 但是当成小说来读亦可 而且是一等一的小说
只能说有助于加深我对1809年后谢林的理解,甚至是惊艳,至于后面几章全都是精神分析?一坨屎 不想理会任何👈👉派,也不关心政治和实践,过家家而已