书籍 The Story of English in 100 Words的封面

The Story of English in 100 Words

David Crystal


Profile Books







The world's foremost expert on the English language takes us on an entertaining and eye-opening tour of the history of our vernacular through the ages.

In this entertaining history of the world's most ubiquitous language, David Crystal draws on one hundred words that best illustrate the huge variety of sources, influences and events that have helped to shape our vernacular since the first definitively English word--'roe'--was written down on the femur of a roe deer in the fifth century. Featuring ancient words ('loaf'), cutting edge terms that relfect our world ('twittersphere'), indispensible words that shape our tongue ('and', 'what'), fanciful words ('fopdoodle') and even obscene expressions (the "c word..".), David Crystal takes readers on a tour of the winding byways of our language via the rude, the obscure and the downright surprising.

David Crystal works from his home in Holyhead, North Wales, as a writer, editor, lecturer, and broadcaster. Born in Lisburn, Northern Ireland in 1941, he spent his early years in Holyhead. His family moved to Liverpool in 1951, and he received his secondary schooling at St Mary's College. He read English at University College London (1959-62), specialised in English language st...


信息量巨大。 作者开篇就吹嘘本书对于英国语言历史而言,要让读者既见森林又见树木。 我逛了一圈,估计只带走几片叶子......
这种小书就挺好玩的 DC这一本里说HP的地方还挺多
Enable the readers to obtain a clear view of the wood as well as the trees : )
与一般词源书不同的是这一本更系统一点,以词来讲英语变迁的故事,从第一个有文字记录的英语词汇开始,读者能看到大到战争、迁徙、交往、科技,小到食物、环境、语言游戏在文字里的刻痕,而且通过相似结构的文章,把英语巨变经历的几个时期很自然地凝聚在了一个词一句话上,比如诺曼征服、圣经的翻译、莎士比亚(以及其他人)通过造词对词汇的扩充、对语言灵活使用的呈现。还有对一些无意义的词、脏话、缩略语、造词的记录。让人看到物质生活对语言使用的影响。real-life例子也非常多。总之挺有意思的,每天读几章,联想一些生活例子,看完都觉得自己英语变好了。不过一些价值性的分析是比较少的,虽然有介绍来自非传统英语国家的外来词,但讲述主体还是英美国家的native speaker(当然这也跟作者背景有关),读起来不是很满足。
喜欢前面的部分,主要最后很多单词本身就没见过,所以讲解它的来源看得也比较摸不着头脑 后面有空再重翻一遍Google吧