书籍 The Age of Innocence的封面

The Age of Innocence

Edith Wharton







Widely regarded as one of Edith Wharton's greatest achievements, The Age of Innocence is not only subtly satirical, but also a sometimes dark and disturbing comedy of manners in its exploration of the 'eternal triangle' of love. Set against the backdrop of upper-class New York society during the 1870s, the author's combination of powerful prose combined with a thoroughly researched and meticulous evocation of the manners and style of the period, has delighted readers since the novel's first publication in 1920. In 1921 The Age of Innocence achieved a double distinction - it won the Pulitzer Prize and it was the first time this prestigious award had been won by a woman author.

伊迪丝·华顿(Edith Wharton, 1862-1937)是纽约一个名门望族琼斯家的女儿。和她的朋友亨利·詹姆斯一样,她在家中接受了良好的教育,后来多次出国旅行。1885年她和一个比她大十三岁的有钱的波士顿人爱德华·华顿结了婚。此人性格虽好,但他们却很少共同之处,几年以后,爱德华患了精神病,最终导致了他们的离婚,从此以后,伊迪丝长住巴黎,直到1937年去世。


其实我觉得傲慢与偏见 比起这个来就傻B很多了
今年听的第一本有声书,narrator生生把Ellen Olenska读成了绿茶……Edith Wharton是Henry James的镜子!
2014.4.12 读完几天了,不知如何才能划上句号。Newland一生的沉重和求之不得,被Dallas玩笑地轻轻地说了出来... 看罢,眼泪默默地浮上来。如果我的所有故事,你有兴趣听完,那么或许,放下与否已经不重要了。
Very witty and sarcastic writing. Moving and sentimental as well. Newland and Ellen have been living on my mind since 11 years ago when I first read it. One of my favorite novels in English language.
女人永远不可能像男人一样自由,就算夫家出事了还不能与之解绑。好在女人可以选择洒脱放手,努力让自己的生活变得更丰富。天真的是Newland,他以为May 不知道他的精神出轨,他以为Ellen跟他一样守着婚姻浑浑噩噩过日子,但他不知道May早就察觉了而Ellen早已经 move on 了。
This age may not be fond of a three-way aristocratic love affair anymore
Archer和艾伦的爱情像是他无聊琐碎生命中的光 “假如他能把她脚踏的那块地面连同天海相拥的那段空间印在他的脑子里,那么,剩下的那部分世界也许就显得不那么空虚了”,可他为了现实放弃了,进入了坟墓般无聊的婚姻,那种本来想教妻子一点文学但是发现妻子根本学不进去还不如不说那里真的过于真实,我觉得最后一章真的无比动人,加上了时间的维度就是不一样,男主人生也不能说不丰满,他做了他框架内能做的善事,也学会了爱妻子,但是还是心酸,因为他失去了本来或许可以拥有的有趣的生活,而且他的的妥协就是时代的悲剧在新一代人这里再也不需要了,世界在变得更好更包容,但是男主享受不到了,他只能坐在曾经的爱人门前,看着自己的儿子进去,自己在外追忆一下当年,记忆中一切还是最好的样子,然后孤身离开
What an ending… the lost, unattainable “love” is the lost era itself…