书籍 The Sirens of Titan (S.F. Masterworks)的封面

The Sirens of Titan (S.F. Masterworks)

Kurt Vonnegut









When Winston Niles Rumfoord flies his spaceship into a chrono-synclastic infundibulum he is converted into pure energy and only materializes when his waveforms intercept Earth or some other planet. As a result, he only gets home to Newport, Rhode Island, once every fifty-nine days and then only for an hour. But at least, as a consolation, he now knows everything that has ever happened and everything that ever will be. He knows, for instance, that his wife is going to Mars to mate with Malachi Constant, the richest man in the world. He also knows that on Titan -- one of Saturn's moons -- is an alien from the planet Tralfamadore, who has been waiting 200,000 years for a spare part for his grounded spacecraft...

truth is always a little bit freaky
The Harmoniums whose name given by earthlings was sort of eccentric in striking patterns and escpecially had the weak powers of telepathy. The Goofball had the impressing principal to release the oxygen. The Salo had kept in touch with its mother planet for millions of light years. They all to ask for the ture purpose of life in the whole universe.
Cynical, sarcastic, ridiculous, and sad. Beatrice亡故的那一天,Chrono带着万千青鸟出现,盘旋在土卫六的天空上经久不去,自杀的Salo从金属碎片中复活,继续徒劳的星际旅程。可水星依旧会歌唱,泰坦上的雕塑依旧永恒伫立,地球上的雪依旧会落下,即便这一切都没有任何意义。浩繁卷帙汇为一句话: God doesn't care.
God the utterly indifferent