书籍 A Girl's Story的封面

A Girl's Story

Annie Ernaux







‘I too wanted to forget that girl. Really forget her, that is, stop yearning to write about her. Stop thinking that I have to write about the girl and her desire and madness, her idiocy and pride, her hunger and her blood that ceased to flow. I have never managed to do so.’ In A Girl’s Story, Annie Ernaux revisits the summer of 1958, her first away from home, when she worked as a holiday camp instructor in Normandy, and recounts the first night she spent with a man. When he moves on, she realizes she has submitted her will to his and finds that she is a slave without a master. Now, sixty years later, she realizes she can obliterate the intervening years and return to consider this young woman whom she wanted to forget completely. In writing A Girl’s Story, which brings to life her indelible memories of that summer, Ernaux discovers that here was the vital, violent and dolorous origin of her writing life, built out of shame, violence and betrayal.

Born in 1940, Annie Ernaux grew up in Normandy, studied at Rouen University, and later taught at secondary school. From 1977 to 2000, she was a professor at the Centre National d’Enseignement par Correspondance. Her books, in particular A Man’s Place and A Woman’s Story, have become contemporary classics in France. The Years won the Prix Renaudot in France in 2008 and the Prem...


She is not me, I am not her. But we are the same person.
是小说还是自传?打破虚构与非虚构的界限,在回忆中进行历史考古,发现并建构了60年代前后法国的一个普通女孩的成长故事,她的欲望她的爱,她的知识世界的形成,她的成长。她爱过渣男,和别的男孩子hang out,阅读萨特加缪和《第二性》,在社会家庭环境环境和早年宗教学校的教育对自己的束缚,和60年代法国的政治思想思潮(通过她自己的阅读),以及她的感情和性/身体的经历之间纠结,困惑,迷茫,摇摆不定。可以解读的方面非常多,除了前面所说的之外,作者对自身的挖掘和写作方式也是高度原创性的,还可以从历史vs个人,回忆vs真实等等角度解读。是会让人想很多的故事,非常推荐!
读这本的初衷和文学无关,获得的巨大救赎则难说和文学无关。“explore the gulf btw the stupefying reality of things that happen, at the moment they happen, and, years later, the strange unreality in which the things that happened are enveloped”。她终于写下的1958,我终于敢面对的2004。
我不喜欢。不喜欢她这种反刍式写作法 看deepl翻的
每一次从自身现实切换进小说现实时,作者只消两三句便让我沉入她的叙述里。 作家的试验田就是自己,在不断提醒读者meta-narrator的同时,Ernaux也不断地提醒读者the meta-narrator的不可靠性。但是不同于石黑一雄or菲茨杰拉德作品里的narrator的对自身的不可靠的毫无觉察,A girl's story的叙述者始终是在觉察、怀疑并且告知读者:I swear I'm trying to stay loyal to a truthful past, but I'm not sure whether I have made it as a credulous narrator. So do we with all our narration.
It is the absence of meaning in what one lives, at the moment one lives it, which multiplies the possibilities of writing.