书籍 The Days of Abandonment的封面

The Days of Abandonment

Elena Ferrante







"She is among the greatest Italian authors of recent years."-"Corriere della Sera" "Ferrante dissects the personal microcosm so well, and with awesome lucidity and precision shows us the meanderings of a woman's mind, the suffering that accompanies being abandoned, and the awful rumbling of time passing."-"El Mundo" "Elena Ferrante has given us a startlingly beautiful novel of exceptional and bold strength."-"Il Manifesto" "Severe and rigorously unsentimental, packed full of passages written with dizzying intensity at a rare and acute pitch. Ferrante is at her best when her writing holds tight to those nagging, niggling obsessions that make up our mental landscapes."-"La Stampa" A national bestseller for almost an entire year, "The Days of Abandonment" shocked and captivated its Italian public when first published. It is the gripping story of a woman's descent into devastating emptiness after being abandoned by her husband with two young children to care for. When she finds herself literally trapped within the four walls of their high-rise apartment, she is forced to confront her ghosts, the potential loss of her own identity, and the possibility that life may never return to normal. Elena Ferrante was born in Naples. Though she is one of Italy's most important and acclaimed contemporary authors, her identity is a mystery. Theories and speculation as to who Elena Ferrante really is continue to circulate; however, the author has successfully shunned public attention and has been able to keep her whereabouts and her true identity concealed. "The Days of Abandonment," her second novel, is currently being made into a film by director Roberto Faenza, due for release inNorth America in 2006.

我本来想说这本书很不像埃莱娜,但后来想想,我哪里真正了解埃莱娜这个神秘的作家呢? 那不勒斯四部曲是描写心理的天才作品,像在偷窥每个人的心事,让人沉浸其中。而这一本,换了一个偷窥对象,限制在一个被抛弃的妻子身上,于是,惊讶,愤怒,迷惘的情绪都来了。 阅读时,如同被这个女人附身,这种体验并不美好啊。尤其疯狂的那几十页,完全分不清现实,就像是喝了一大瓶红酒,或者是困得要死非要撑着睁开眼的状态。
为什么我要借这么丧的书??还在summer session1结束 朋友们都离开的时候借??no offense 不过我要弃了!弃了!
好得令人发指。即使脱力和赘余之处明显,但她对那一核心的执拗,出于强烈的清醒用剪刀抵着大腿根写下行动指南的毅力,想不到同代作家里有谁能相比。这本书是行动之书,在任何痛苦的时刻翻开任何一页,它告诉你,活动手指,站起来,加热牛奶,咽下食物,擦干净血、汗、口水和泪,行动,行动,行动。She takes sides like Chizuko yet refills the gap tenderly like Munro, for all of us, with her talent and obstinacy. 看到一些低分评价说女主角无能,我想其实成立,而这正是费兰特了不起的地方:她站在最低处。感受之网如安全网般存在,而那些没到过深渊、幸运并自觉勇敢的女性,她也为她们祝福。“至少有我在诚实着。”
To be honest, there is a lot suffer during the reading, the detailed description of Olga(the heroin) 's mental disorder, unstable mental condition, after the 'abandonment'. There were so many times I felt like I were her. When I was reading the book, I became the character in the book, I was trapped by the broken door, I fear the same fear Olga……
可能我英文水平原因,前半部分都没有太明白意思,后面快结束了才跟上了一点节奏…于我,这是一个abandoned lady成长的故事,从一开始丈夫离开之后的无法生活,到自己独自料理家庭,最后的与丈夫和解并选择进入新的感情,一段较为完整的情节,但是有些地方的转变有点生硬。