书籍 SQL Antipatterns的封面

SQL Antipatterns

Bill Karwin







Each chapter in this book helps you identify, explain, and correct a unique and dangerous antipattern. The four parts of the book group the antipatterns in terms of logical database design, physical database design, queries, and application development.

The chances are good that your application's database layer already contains problems such as Index Shotgun , Keyless Entry , Fear of the Unknown , and Spaghetti Query . This book will help you and your team find them. Even better, it will also show you how to fix them, and how to avoid these and other problems in the future.

SQL Antipatterns gives you a rare glimpse into an SQL expert's playbook. Now you can stamp out these common database errors once and for all.

Whatever platform or programming language you use, whether you're a junior programmer or a Ph.D., SQL Antipatterns will show you how to design and build databases, how to write better database queries, and how to integrate SQL programming with your application like an expert. You'll also learn the best and most current technology for full-text search, how to design code that is resistant to SQL injection attacks, and other techniques for success.

Bill Karwin has been a software engineer for over twenty years, developing and supporting applications, libraries, and servers such as Zend Framework for PHP 5, the InterBase relational database, and the Enhydra Java application server. Throughout his career, Bill has shared his knowledge to help other programmers achieve success and productivity. Bill has answered thousands of...


1 Introduction
1.1 Who This Book Is For
1.2 What’s in This Book
1.3 What’s Not in This Book
1.4 Conventions

讲数据库层的设计模式,讲应用层与数据库层之间的结合开发。 把很多在面向对象设计中的思想融入到关系型数据库的应用开发上。
“You can't learn from these mistakes.“ 我觉得里面的反模式真的都好好笑。
在当时的时代可能还是一本好书,但可能放到现在有些内容不太适宜了。整体书按照数据库设计、物理存储、查询优化以及同软件交互进行划分,虽然面向开发人员,但是分析类人员也可以看。作者整体思路是以维持 3NF 设计范式为主的,所以整体行文展开也就是如此,但随着 CTE 函数、分析函数以及算力的发展,很多东西也在经受挑战,