书籍 Building a Second Brain的封面

Building a Second Brain

Tiago Forte


Atria Books







For the first time in history, we have instantaneous access to the world’s knowledge. There has never been a better time to learn, to contribute, and to improve ourselves. Yet, rather than feeling empowered, we are often left feeling overwhelmed by this constant influx of information. The very knowledge that was supposed to set us free has instead led to the paralyzing stress of believing we’ll never know or remember enough.

Now, this eye-opening and accessible guide shows how you can easily create your own personal system for knowledge management, otherwise known as a Second Brain. As a trusted and organized digital repository of your most valued ideas, notes, and creative work synced across all your devices and platforms, a Second Brain gives you the confidence to tackle your most important projects and ambitious goals.

Discover the full potential of your ideas and translate what you know into more powerful, more meaningful improvements in your work and life by Building a Second Brain.

Tiago Forte is one of the world’s foremost experts on productivity and has taught thousands of people around the world how timeless principles and the latest technology can revolutionize their productivity, creativity, and personal effectiveness. He has worked with organizations such as Genentech, Toyota Motor Corporation, and the Inter-American Development Bank, and appeared i...


相当不错😌 para和code 大法值得学习
五个小时读完,且不论是否实用,作者这本书写作技巧值得学习: 1、结构层次非常清晰,分为三大部分,每个部分又分三个小节。为什么——怎么办——注意什么 2、把自己的观点高度凝练——题目就很有特点“第二大脑”,通读完全书,肯定能记住“CODE”和“PARA”这两个理念。 3、书中不让人反感地多次提到自己的网站,且最后所谓的“福利一章节”,本以为是书中就有,结果还是引导读者到自己网站上去阅读, 再看内容上,和《卡片笔记写作法》内容上有些类似,但基本还是作者自己的东西i为主。最近一年用 notion 搭建起来自己的笔记系统,和书中的一些方式不谋而合,这次阅读也学到新的技巧,接下来准备尝试。 立个flag,用这本书中提到的笔记方法拆解这本书,计划下周内做完。
这都 2022 年了..比 10 年前 Evernote 的 PR 书也没啥太多增量信息
“Your professional success and quality of life depend directly on your ability to manage information effectively.”
基本上是作者数年以来分享文章的集成,对PKM不甚了解的同学建议通读一遍然后照猫画虎实操,已经入门的可以带着自己的具体问题在书中找答案,作者tiago forte也算是PKM界里算比较知名的人物了,PARA分类法以及渐进式总结的倡导者和践行者,对很多笔记达人影响很大。当然,正如他所说,形式和工具都不是最重要的,思想的转变才是关键,笔记的出发点是为了将来能用上,而不是存着发霉,一个上手容易维护省力与人俱进的系统才算得上是合格的第二大脑。
wechat becomes my commonplace book😅