书籍 Mastering Vim Quickly的封面

Mastering Vim Quickly

Jovica Ilic







One of the beautiful things about learning Vim is the fact that you don't need to know everything. You only need to understand a few critically important concepts that provide most of the value.

If you invest the time and energy necessary to learn these concepts, you'll easily be in the top 1% of the human population when it comes to productivity in coding/programming/text editing.

Instead of trying to absorb all of the Vim knowledge- and there's really a lot out there -use this book to get what matters the most.

What can you learn?

How to exit Vim (this is a very important skill, as you might have heard)

The power of Mini habits

How to improve your skills 38x in one year

How to personalize and properly configure Vim

How to speak the Vim language

Registers, buffers and windows-the right way

The power of Visual modes, argdo, bufdo, etc.

Ranges and substitution

Boost your productivity in Vim

How to install and manage plugins

The magic of recursive macros and much more...

加上这本小册子再配一张键盘图就很好入门;很多 method 在vim for vs code 不直接支持,还要自己配置
非常简短精干。在开头提供了一个无插件的精简 .vimrc,还挺不错的。没有涵盖所有的知识,但是掌握了这些已经足够你使用 Vim 来进行高效「编辑」了。