书籍 Think Again的封面

Think Again

Adam Grant












"Think Again is a must-read for anyone who wants to create a culture of learning and exploration, whether at home, at work, or at school... In an increasingly divided world, the lessons in this book are more important than ever."

--Bill and Melinda Gates

The bestselling author of Give and Take and Originals examines the critical art of rethinking: learning to question your opinions and open other people's minds, which can position you for excellence at work and wisdom in life

Intelligence is usually seen as the ability to think and learn, but in a rapidly changing world, there's another set of cognitive skills that might matter more: the ability to rethink and unlearn. In our daily lives, too many of us favor the comfort of conviction over the discomfort of doubt. We listen to opinions that make us feel good, instead of ideas that make us think hard. We see disagreement as a threat to our egos, rather than an opportunity to learn. We surround ourselves with people who agree with our conclusions, when we should be gravitating toward those who challenge our thought process. The result is that our beliefs get brittle long before our bones. We think too much like preachers defending our sacred beliefs, prosecutors proving the other side wrong, and politicians campaigning for approval--and too little like scientists searching for truth. Intelligence is no cure, and it can even be a curse: being good at thinking can make us worse at rethinking. The brighter we are, the blinder to our own limitations we can become.

Organizational psychologist Adam Grant is an expert on opening other people's minds--and our own. As Wharton's top-rated professor and the bestselling author of Originals and Give and Take, he makes it one of his guiding principles to argue like he's right but listen like he's wrong. With bold ideas and rigorous evidence, he investigates how we can embrace the joy of being wrong, bring nuance to charged conversations, and build schools, workplaces, and communities of lifelong learners. You'll learn how an international debate champion wins arguments, a Black musician persuades white supremacists to abandon hate, a vaccine whisperer convinces concerned parents to immunize their children, and Adam has coaxed Yankees fans to root for the Red Sox. Think Again reveals that we don't have to believe everything we think or internalize everything we feel. It's an invitation to let go of views that are no longer serving us well and prize mental flexibility over foolish consistency. If knowledge is power, knowing what we don't know is wisdom.

读一半弃. 就idea是好的 但为了佐证idea写了一大堆有的没的 真是这类书籍的通病.
1)unlearn的能力也重要,但这个能力经常被不准确地归结于intelligence。rethink和unlearn有可能触及一个人的存在价值,所以难。消防员逃跑时可能致死都会一直背着工具包,正因为放下工具包在心里意味着放弃职业。2)对于idea和judgement,人们太容易有personal attachment。Feeling being right 比 being right更comfortable 3)IQ高 -》 pattern recognition 快 -〉 容易掉进stereotypes 4)mountain of stupidity:对一个topic稍微知道一点点的时候自信最高,最愿意开口讲 5)健康的自信是对自己克服困难能力的自信,而不是对某事夸夸其谈的自信
I just love Adam Grant
读这本书的时候总会让我想到项飚老师的铁索桥的比喻 不论是个人、人际还是社会中的许多问题,当我们思维固化了之后,我们的观点就是铁板一块,一切新进来的信息对我们而言不过是为自我确认添砖加瓦 从而更进一步固化本就是铁板一块的观点 但是在很多问题上更应该是时时用新的信息更新我们的观点 拥抱并且接受那些不确定性 就像项飚老师说的铁索桥 有一块块木板 但是整个桥又是活动的 这边松下去 那边翘起来 应该是一个动态的不断更新不断变化的过程而不是一个终点 这本书好像也为我近半年的思考做了一个总结 以前总认为坚定的信念才是颠扑不破的 但铁板一块的信念崩塌的时候其结果也是摧枯拉朽痛苦不堪的 反而本身拥抱了不确定性 围绕一条主线但不乏变化的观点和信念才是更持久的
一部分观点角度独特,很喜欢conclusion部分关于生活的持续think again的描写。