书籍 The Contrarian的封面

The Contrarian

Max Chafkin


Penguin Press







A biography of venture capitalist and entrepreneur Peter Thiel, the enigmatic, controversial, and hugely influential power broker who sits at the dynamic intersection of tech, business, and politics

“Max Chafkin’s The Contrarian is much more than a consistently shocking biography of Peter Thiel, the most important investor in tech and a key supporter of the Donald Trump presidency. It’s also a disturbing history of Silicon Valley that will make you reconsider the ideological foundations of America’s relentless engine of creative destruction.”—Brad Stone, author of The Everything Store and Amazon Unbound

Since the days of the dot-com bubble in the late 1990s, no industry has made a greater impact on the world than Silicon Valley. And few individuals have done more to shape Silicon Valley than Peter Thiel. The billionaire venture capitalist and entrepreneur has been a behind-the-scenes operator influencing countless aspects of our contemporary way of life, from the technologies we use every day to the delicate power balance between Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and Washington. But despite his power and the ubiquity of his projects, no public figure is quite so mysterious.

In the first major biography of Thiel, Max Chafkin traces the trajectory of the innovator's singular life and worldview, from his upbringing as the child of immigrant parents and years at Stanford as a burgeoning conservative thought leader to his founding of PayPal and Palantir, early investment in Facebook and SpaceX, and relationships with fellow tech titans Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and Eric Schmidt. The Contrarian illuminates the extent to which Thiel has sought to export his values to the corridors of power beyond Silicon Valley, including funding the lawsuit that destroyed the blog Gawker and strenuously backing far-right political candidates, notably Donald Trump for president in 2016.

Eye-opening and deeply reported, The Contrarian is a revelatory biography of a one-of-a-kind leader and an incisive portrait of a tech industry whose explosive growth and power is both thrilling and fraught with controversy.

Max Chafkin is a features editor and a tech reporter at Bloomberg Businessweek. His work has also appeared in Fast Company, Vanity Fair, Inc., and The New York Times Magazine. He lives in Queens, New York with his wife, the journalist Christine Lagorio-Chafkin, and their children.

彭博记者笔下的 Peter Thiel 成为了完完全全的负面人物:资助对媒体公司的诉讼导致其破产、拒绝对特斯拉的早期投资、注入年轻人血液来永生、操控扎克伯格来控制大选……真的希望能看到客观中立的 Peter Thiel 传记啊。
倒不是说作者文采多好,纯因为我对peter thiel这个人太好奇。信息量可以的。
WTF is this
written by a hater. Still enjoyable.
peter thiel 的发家史。
A complex person through the lens of liberal eyes. Interesting web of connections behind the scenes.
作者本人只见到thiel本尊一次。抱着怀疑态度看的,但还是收获颇丰。他经历law school,investment banking,hedgefund多条路后走上vc的道路也算是非常精彩了
拋開作者的政治立場,挺多有趣的細節,e.g. peter thiel和elon musk的店開在彼此隔壁和elon員工在垃圾堆撿到PayPal的business idea,電影畫面感不要太強;開腦洞的想,thiel競選下一屆總統。。。
在audible听完这部有关硅谷传奇投资人Peter Thiel旳传记。 书名contrarian正是他一贯以来的哲学理念,不论是投资还是其他选择,以反常人的思维切入,从而获得常人思维无法获得的利益和回报。习惯下来,Thiel的成长过程同Elon Musk略有相似:nerdy的小孩,被同学欺负。因此他们都会表现出一些反世俗,反从众的行为逻辑,而Thiel似乎反应得更强烈。这是一个非常有争议的人物,也因此非常值得我们这些普通人了解与思考。不需要认同什么,但需要了解,了解Thiel的思考方式、处事决策背后的逻辑所反应的是何种现实。