书籍 Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces的封面

Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces

Remzi H Arpaci-Dusseau







OSTEP ("oh step"), or the "the comet book", represents the culmination of years of teaching intro to operating systems to both undergraduates and graduates at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Computer Sciences department for nearly 20 years.The book is organized around three concepts fundamental to OS construction: virtualization (of CPU and memory), concurrency (locks and condition variables), and persistence (disks, RAIDS, and file systems).The material, if combined with serious project work and homeworks, will lead students to a deeper understanding and appreciation of modern OSes.The authors, Remzi and Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau, are both professors of Computer Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. They have been doing research in computer systems for over 20 years, working together since their first graduate operating systems class at U.C. Berkeley in 1993.Since that time, they have published over 100 papers on the performance and reliability of many aspects of modern computer systems, with a special focus on file and storage systems. Their work has been recognized with numerous best-paper awards, and some of their innovations can be found in the Linux and BSD operating systems today.

Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau is the Grace Wahba professor and Chair of Computer Sciences at UW-Madison. He co-leads a research group with Professor Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau. Together, they have graduated 24 Ph.D. students and won numerous best-paper awards; many of their innovations are used by commercial systems. For their work, Andrea and Remzi received the 2018 ACM-SIGOPS Mark Weiser a...


the best OS book I’ve ever read
全书三部分:Virtualization (cpu, memory), Concurrency (atomicity, ordering), Persistence (hardware, file system). OS 概念大都不难,很多问题加一层 indirection 就可解决, 但当这往往会带来新的问题,引入更多的复杂度。本书的思路也是problem -> solution -> new problem … 如此往复。OS 难的是 implementation, 建议把 xv6 的project 做完,对很多概念的理解会深入的多。
操统-1 和OS共度良宵(bushi