Wonderful book!It‘s contented tons of ideas about how to live.What the surprise conclusion is that there are not just only way to live but up to you to choose and use it in different ways.Life have magic and it will product wonderful react when you combine several different thing.Good luck for you!Take action ,god will bless you!
很薄也很猛;think super-long-term, intertwine with the world, laugh at life; most importantly, don't die; 2023/1/2
我真的很喜欢Derek Sivers!! 他是我想成为的理想中的样子。评论里有人说有些观点自相矛盾......因为这本书就是列举了27 CONFLICTING answers啊!one weird conclusion就是,你自己的人生,怎么样都没错咯~只要是你有意识地,自己选择了answer to your life,而不是丝毫不考虑这个终极问题,模糊盲从拧巴着过这一生