书籍 Bottle of Lies的封面

Bottle of Lies

Katherine Eban









In 2004, Dinesh Thakur, a senior employee of Ranbaxy, then India’s largest pharma company, discovered a terrible secret.Ranbaxy had been fabricating the test results of their drugs,endangering millions of patients. Thakur resigned and became a whistleblower to the US Food and Drug Administration, one of the regulators Ranbaxy had been lying to, and ultimately brought the multibillion-dollar behemoth to its knees. This is the sensational account of the high-stakes chase to bring Ranbaxy to book and the fall from grace of one of corporate India’s biggest success stories. But the rot in Indian pharma isn’t confined to Ranbaxy alone. In this book, investigative journalist Katherine Eban relies on over 20,000 FDA documents and interviews with over 240 people to show how fraud and trickery are deeply entrenched in much of the industry in India, and raises troubling questions about some of its biggest names – Wockhardt, Dr Reddy’s, Glenmark and RPG Life Sciences. Filled with shocking and eye-opening details, this book lays bare the ugly truth of Indian pharma. It will make you view every pill you take with foreboding and suspicion.

Katherine Eban, an investigative journalist, is a Fortune magazine contributor and Andrew Carnegie fellow. She has also written for Vanity Fair, the New York Times, Self, The Nation, the New York Observer, and other publications. She is the author of Dangerous Doses: A True Story of Cops, Counterfeiters, and the Contamination of America’s Drug Supply, and lectures frequently on...


对我来说是颠覆性的一本书,就像作者一样,我一直以为generic和brand name的药物没有区别,但听完以后,我严肃考虑以后只吃brand name,起码,不吃某些国家产的generic。实际上,像我一样对generic怀有盲目信心才是最让人警铃大作的事情,而在全球很多地方,哪怕已经意识到了问题但“那又能怎么办”就更让人觉得无奈和悲哀。在药监最强大的美国,病人和医生们还要面临严重的generic药物问题,那么在其他的国家和地方,就更可想而知。因此这本书里的那些少数人——药厂内部whistle blower和FDA检察人员——近乎偏执的不懈努力,特别让人动容。
(1)FDA真是相当官僚, 以前只知道管食品不靠谱, 没想到管药品也不怎么靠谱 (2)任何事一旦有政治介入就变得很不可靠, FDA批准有问题的印度仿制药受到国会和患者的压力, 还有美国和印度政府之间要签协定的压力 (3)希望中国仿制药已经过了印度的阶段. 我小时候国产抗生素是无效的, 必须吃至少合资的. 现在国产抗生素好很多了. 不知道其他药如何(特别是慢性病的药). 揭发Ranbaxy造假的是个印度人, 就是因为自己的小孩发烧吃Ranbaxy的抗生素无效, 然后买了GSK的抗生素当天小孩烧就退了, 开始探究Ranbaxy造假的. (5)书里也提到中国目前合资药厂一样有问题, 厂房卫生差, 还有厂伪造生产线来应付检查, 实际上卖的药并不由这些生产线生产.
caveat 警告,lure 诱惑,burgeon 迅速发展,beckon 示意,elusive 难以捉摸,glean 收集,elude 躲避,distill 提取,impasse 僵局,hamper 阻碍,austere 严厉的,amicable 有好的,jeopardize 危害,prelude 前奏,swollen 肿胀的,clobber 狠揍,engulf 吞没,unleash 爆发,felony 重罪,conjecture 猜想,exhort 告诫,herald 预示,ominous 不详的,dwindle 减少,forfeit 罚金 ,hurl 投掷 ,surveil 监视,sanction 制裁,remorse 悔恨,unrelenting 持续的,petition 请愿397
Quality! Quality!Quality! 虽然我也是行内人,但是我以前很天真的以为仿制药就是救赎。当我的某药研所前同事说别吃国内仿制药时,我曾嗤之以鼻。 当我以前实习遇见一个曾在马来药监局工作的人,诧异她为啥来这个乡下地方的时候,我也没有多想。 官僚主义,混乱廉价,利益驱使的医疗行业。配合阅读《An American Sickness》,一切皆了然于心了。 世界上没有所谓的便宜,一分钱一分货!谨记!
Should be more concise.