书籍 Reframe Your Brain的封面

Reframe Your Brain

Scott Adams








In Reframe Your Brain, Scott Adams, the contrarian genius behind Dilbert and author of the most influential personal success book of all time—How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big—gives you the complete operating system for lasting happiness.

Are you familiar with this old saying?

“All publicity is good publicity.”

That’s a classic reframe. The quote shifts your thinking from the shame of whatever you did wrong to your probable benefit. You can’t change the past, but you can change how you feel about it.

Trained hypnotist and persuasion expert Scott Adams has packed more than 160 new, counterintuitive, and effective reframes into Reframe Your Brain. For example:

Usual Frame: Manage your time.

Reframe: Manage your energy.

Usual Frame: Success depends on who you know.

Reframe: Success depends on how many people you know.

Usual Frame: Your critics are evil monsters.

Reframe: Your critics are your mascots.

Usual Frame: The universe is acting against you.

Reframe: The universe owes you.

Usual Frame: Luck is random and can’t be managed.

Reframe: You can go where there is more luck (more energy).

These instant perspective-shifters will help you feel better on demand and succeed at any endeavor without the usual pain or pitfalls. The reframe collection covers personal fulfillment, business and career success, mental health, social activities, and physical well-being. If only 10 percent of the reframes work for you, your life will never be the same.

Prepare to embark on a journey of transformation as Scott Adams shares his most invaluable insights and practical techniques to date, empowering you to reprogram your own reality using words alone.

let me try reframe my system to see in the next month
.「重构」就是重新设定框架,就是跳出常见的、习惯性的框架,主动把现实解读成一个对你更有用的新故事。 2.你必须真的相信自己重构出来的那个说法。所以重构要求集中注意力、重复讲那个故事,最好还有情感的投入。这叫「对大脑编程」。 3.一种重构的方法是把被动心态变成主动心态。
Frame是“框架”的意思,直观的形象就是挂照片或者油画的那个相框。你怎么 frame 一个事情,就是你用什么眼光看这件事,你怎么给这件事定性,你把这件事讲成了一个什么故事。我们知道人总是生活在故事之中。眼前的现实就是这个现实,你对这个现实的主观感受不是取决于现实本身,而是你怎么解读它。正如凯文·凯利所说:「疼痛是不可避免的,但受苦是可选的。」 而所谓 reframe,就是重新设定框架,就是跳出常见的、习惯性的框架,主动把现实解读成一个对你更有用的新故事。
前半部分很inspiring,后半部分,怎么说呢?我感觉我本身已经想到了很多更适合我自己system的reframe,所以后半部分就没什么吸引力,而且作者本身的性格属于成功学那一类的,总体来说比较entj,很多方面都热衷于better,faster,stronger. 但我自己本身属于只是be myself,success is not my first priority,所以后半部分对我来说不太适用。
很多个重新编程大脑/用新观点看世界的点子,尽管有一些不大认同或无感,但也有收获:1/无聊其实是大自然提醒你该去尝试新鲜事物的一种方式。 Embarrassment is an investment. Don't try to avoid it, invite it, trying to do something you know you don't do well in front of witnesses. 2/心灵储物空间策略:不能消除消极的思想,就用积极的思想来填补,保持忙碌,用其他事情来挤出竞争性的思想。 3/Reducing stress IS your job,把压力缓解当成全职工作来对待。 4/相比于以他人的错误来评判他人,不如通过观察一个人如何应对自己的错误来评判一个人。
我把这本书差不多整本书划线了!!!阅读体验:差不多是边看边尖叫🥲啊啊啊啊啊啊不愧是我男神❤️我认为这本书是我的改命之书《我的人生样样稀松照样赢》(2013 年 10 月 22 日)的升级版,更新更强更全面更具体更清晰!! 在《稀松赢》里,作者大脑就是可编程的,但是没说怎么编程。而这本书就是讲如何给大脑编程的。通过这本书,作者一直在教我们如何将代码(程序)写入并插入您的大脑。 重构大脑就是这样的软件升级。它会导致大脑产生实际的物理变化,就像任何其他的学习经验一样,让我们获得幸福与成功(也是这本书的副标题) 用这本书的方法对自己的大脑重新编程,也就是重构。就可以把所有的事转化成利于自己,也就是凡事发生皆有利于我。比如:不把批评者视为障碍,而把他们视为无意中帮助你进步的 "吉祥物"。