Michelle Obama
评分 8.3分
An intimate, powerful, and inspiring memoir by the former First Lady of the United States In a life filled with meaning and accomplishment, Michelle Obama has emerged as one of
The Light We Carry
评分 暂无
Former First Lady Michelle Obama shares practical wisdom and powerful strategies for staying hopeful and balanced in today’s highly uncertain world. Michelle Obama served as First Lady o
★繼廣受好評回憶錄《成為這樣的我》, 蜜雪兒‧歐巴馬又一鼓舞人心之作, 這次,她要帶每位讀者「成為自己」★ 黑暗中,我們可以成為自己和別人的光—— 蜜雪兒獻給當今動盪時代之書, 找到生活中每一份安定的力量。 這三年來,大家過得都不容易——疫情來襲重創經濟、政爭戰禍打亂生活、