Peter Drucker
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Warped: Gay Normality and Queer Anti-Capitalism shows how the successive 'same-sex formations' of the past century and a half have led to both gay 'normality' and queer resistance. It sees sexual r
Adventures of a Bystander
评分 9.2分
彼得·德鲁克(Peter F. Drucker):现代管理大师,对世人贡献卓越,影响深远,被尊为“大师中的大师”、“现代管理之父”。2002年6月20日,美国总统乔治·W·布什宣布彼得·德鲁克成为当年的“总统自由勋章”的获得者,这是美国公民所能获得的最高荣誉。 彼得·德鲁克于1909年生于奥匈帝国的维也纳,祖籍为荷兰人。其家族在十七世纪时从事书籍出版工作(Dru
Concept of the Corporation
Drucker looks at the General Motors managerial organization from within during the closing years of World War II. He tries to understand what makes the company work so effectively, what are its cor