Write Great Code
Randall Hyde
评分 暂无
If you've asked someone the secret to writing efficient, well-written software, the answer that you've probably gotten is "learn assembly language programming." By learning assembly language progra
评分 8.7分
《编程卓越之道(卷3):软件工程化》深入介绍了从开发方法、生产力到面向对象的设计需求和系统文档的方方面面。通过本书,你将学习到:为什么遵循软件匠艺模型可以让你做到最好;如何利用可追溯性来加强文档的一致性;如何通过用例分析来创建自己的UML需求;如何利用IEEE文档标准开发出更好的软件。 通过对高质量软件开发中技能、态度和道德方面的深入讲解,本书揭示了如何将工程原理应用于编
Write Great Code, Volume 2
The second volume in the Write Great Code series supplies the critical information that today's computer science students don't often get from college and university courses: How to carefully choos