Responsibility and Judgment
Hannah Arendt
评分 9.4分
Responsibility and Judgment gathers together unpublished writings from the last decade of Arendt’s life, where she addresses fundamental questions and concerns about the nature of evil and the maki
The Origins of Totalitarianism
评分 暂无
The Origins of Totalitarianism is an indispensable book for understanding the frightful barbarity of the twentieth century. Suspicious of the inevitability so often imposed by hindsight, Hannah Ar
评分 9.5分
汉娜·阿伦特(Hannah Arendt)1906年出身于德国汉诺威一个犹太人家庭,在马堡和弗莱堡大学读哲学、神学和古希腊语;后转至海德堡大学雅斯贝尔斯的门下,获哲学博士学位。1933年先是流亡巴黎,1941年到了美国,1951年成为美国公民。同年,《极权主义的起源》一书出版,为她奠定了作为一个政治理论家的国际声望。 流亡之前,阿伦特以一个犹太人的身份协助犹太组
Vita activa oder Vom tätigen Leben
Eichmann in Jerusalem
评分 9.2分
Hannah Arendt’s authoritative report on the trial of Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann includes further factual material that came to light after the trial, as well as Arendt’s postscript directly addres
Rahel Varnhagen
She was, Hannah Arendt wrote, "my closest friend, though she has been dead for some hundred years." Born in Berlin in 1771 as the daughter of a Jewish merchant, Rahel Varnhagen would come to host o
Between Friends
【作者简介】 汉娜•阿伦特 20世纪最伟大、最具原创性的思想家、政治理论家之一。她于1933年纳粹上台后流亡巴黎,1941年移居美国。曾担任芝加哥大学教授、社会研究新学院教授。主要著作有《极权主义的起源》《人的境况》《耶路撒冷的艾希曼》《精神生活》等。 · 玛丽•麦卡锡 美国杰出作家