I, Robot (Oxford Bookworms Library)
Isaac Asimov
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Robots and Empire
评分 9.4分
Isaac Asmiov's classic novel about the decline and fall of Solaria. Gladia Delmarre's homeworld, the Spacer planet Solaria, has been abandoned - by its human population. Countless robots remain th
I, Robot
评分 9.0分
The three laws of Robotics: 1) A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm 2) A robot must obey orders givein to it by human b
The Gods Themselves
艾萨克·阿西莫夫因为《神们自己》获得了1972年星云奖及1973年雨果奖。《神们自己(TheGodsThemselves)》,这个标题出自席勒描写圣女贞德的剧作中的一句话:面对愚昧,即使神们自己都束手无策 Only a few know the terrifying truth--an outcast Earth scientist, a rebellious alien
100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories
The Last Question (When the World Ends)
评分 9.5分
评分 8.4分
人類即將陷入全面的瘋狂,天空出現星斗、射下天火,世界即將毀滅…… 薩羅大學天文系的畢奈發現了行星軌道的偏差、考古系的塞芙拉挖掘到足以推翻歷史的史前遺蹟、心理系的薛林親身體驗了神祕隧道的「黯黮」,這一切,都和光明使徒教派的預言不謀而合。科學家發出預警,然而《薩羅紀事報》的資深科學記者史蒙卻呼籲世人,不要被那群披著科學外衣的瘋子給欺騙了! 預言還是實現