Chase, Chance, and Creativity
James H. Austin
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This first book by the author of Zen and the Brain examines the role of chance in the creative process. James Austin tells a personal story of the ways in which persistence, chance, and creati
评分 8.6分
赫胥黎把人類精神成長的基本趨勢稱為「永恆哲學」,奧斯汀認為這種趨勢表示一種動態的、直接的「永恆心理生理學」,因為覺醒或開悟發生在人類的腦經歷重大改變的時刻。開悟的顛峰經驗是什麼?這些狀態如何能深入強化,卻又能簡化腦的運作? 在這本書裡,禪學變成廣泛探索意識的楔子。為了要釐清哪些腦機制產生禪的狀態,我們必須對腦的解剖、生理和生化有某種程度的瞭解。奧斯汀是腦神經科學家,同時也
Meditating Selflessly
This is not the usual kind of self-help book. Indeed, its major premise heeds a Zen master's advice to be less self-centered. Yes, it is "one more book of words about Zen," as the author concedes,