Vanity Fair
William Makepeace Thackeray
评分 9.0分
William Makepeace Thackeray's Vanity Fair depicts the anarchic anti-heroine Beky Sharpe cutting a swathe through the eligible young men of Europe, set against a lucid backdrop of war and internatio
评分 7.3分
A deliciously satirical attack on a money-mad society, Vanity Fair , which first appeared in 1847, is an immensely moral novel, and an immensely witty one. Called in its subtitle “A Novel Without
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薩克萊是英國維多利亞時期的一位重要小說家,與狄更斯並稱「小說雙傑」,兩人的代表作分別為《浮華世界》和《塊肉餘生錄》。 一八四七年《浮華世界》以連載方式問市,子標題為「一部沒有英雄的小說」。書中神龍活現地突顯出一位折衝於十九世紀社交界的名花,藉由她透露了滑鐵盧戰役前後英國中上階層社會腐敗、偽善以及敗德,深刻的表現出犀利的嘲諷與深透的厭世觀。除了溫馨的感情外,薩克萊戲謔活潑的