Jeffrey Pfeffer
评分 8.8分
In this crowning achievement, one of the greatest minds in management theory reveals how to succeed and wield power in the real world. Over decades of consulting with corporations an
7 Rules of Power
评分 暂无
If you want to "change lives, change organizations, change the world," the Stanford business school’s motto, you need power. Is power the last dirty secret or the secret to success? Both.
评分 6.1分
《工作最怕光说不练》作者经过仔细调查,发现阻碍公司前进的原因并不是公司中的人知道得太少,而是他们知道得太多、行动得太少、“光说不练”产生的行动差距,很快就使企业间出现了业绩的差距。“光说不练”是组织中普遍存在的问题。人们都喜欢高谈阔论,如果谈论的都能付诸行动,倒也无可厚非。但假如光说不做,公司就要吃苦头,自己到头来也在劫难逃。 有些公司则成功地避开了“光说不练”的陷阱。在
The Knowing-Doing Gap
在线阅读本书 The market for business knowledge is booming, as companies looking to improve their performance pour billions of dollars into training programs, consultants, and executi